
OMNIDIA assists diatom researchers in managing their diatom inventories derived from water samples and calculating diatom indices.

OMNIDIA was initially developed for French water agencies to assist in managing diatom inventory databases and calculating water quality indices. It is now used globaly and has become a crucial reference for diatom research projects.
The data for OMNIDIA is collected by Michel COSTE, Professor Emeritus and former Director of Research at IRSTEA in Bordeaux, France.

OMNIDIA’s database includes :

  • More than 28 000

    Diatom species and synonyms, with 920 Genus (updated once a year).

  • 7000

    References to publications.

For each diatoms inventory, OMNIDIA calculates :

  • 25

    Diatoms indices

  • 38

    Ecological statistics